The Values Project News
Alisa Becerra; KTXL Fox Affiliate Interview
1/30/14: RW Pocket/Greenhaven Library Workshop

Congratulations to the RW Pocket/Greenhaven My Neighborhood group for such a successful workshop. Lots of tasty treats to keep folks alert and thinking. Thanks to Kathi Windheim and the entire Friends of the Library Board for sponsoring the SES & Library words!
1/17/14: the School of Engineering and Sciences Workshop

The Senior class of the School of Engineering and Sciences hosted the Values PRoject to choose their words--CHIVALRY being the top vote getter!
10/31/13: Crocker Riverside School Workshop

Thanks to the Any Given Child arts experience program for enabling Principal McCord to bring us to Crocker/Riverside school. We presented to about 100 sixth graders and then split up into three classes to run a workshop and draw values words that had meaning for the students. Thanks also to the teachers, three art docents and especially to volunteers Elizabeth Wallner, David Roberts and Erica Jarmillo for running their classroom workshops so well!
10/9/13: Belle Cooledge Center Workshop

We met with Neighborhood groups tonight at Belle Cooledge Community center to choose community values words. Great meeting & great pizza!
10/6/13: First United Methodist Church Workshop

Rev. Don Lee from FUMC and the entire congregation blessed the Values Project, and Karla Lundin's youth group had a great workshop to choose their words. Many thanks to LexisNexis for their sponsorship of the FUMC installation!
9/25/13: Mims Hagginwood Community Center Workshop

The Mims Hagginwood workshop was very well attended and we had some youth on hand to round out this second M-H workshop. The community chose some great words!
9/19/13: Coverage in Art, Antiques & Luxury Design Blog:
Here is a great review of the project by Margie Fitzsimmons:
9/8/13: Priority Parking Mid-town/Downtown lots Painted

We painted over 100 words in Sacramento parking lots yesterday, thanks to a partnership with Aaron Zeff and Priority Parking. We held workshops with the Midtown Neighborhood Assn and the Boulevard PPark Neighborhood Assn. to choose words. Many thanks to Catherine Turrill, Sally Flory-Oneil and Matthew Piner! Thanks also to Elizabeth Wallner and Erica Jarmillo for volunteering!
9/17/13: George Sim Lot is the First City Lot Painted!

Many thanks to Laura Bjornsen and Viancia Roberson for their hard work in bringing the VP to George Sim Community! The Neighbors also helped fund it, so many thanks to Jermain Gil of A.G.E.N.A., the Junior Giants Little League and everyone who came out to choose words. Thanks also to Councilmember Kevin McCarty for his financial support!
9/7/13: South Natomas Center Workshop

For the second South Natomas CC workshop we had a booth at the South Natomas Festival and collected about 45 stories and drawings from the community attendees. Many thanks to Jami Crowe for staffing the booth and Erica Jarmillo for help setting up!
8/5/13: Huffington Post Article
National press here with a great article by Damon Scheleur can be read here:
8/2/13: KCRA NBC Story by News Anchor Edie Lambert
Edie Lambert reported an in-depth story on the Sacramento Values Project here:
5/14/13: Sac Food Bank & Family Services Youth Workshops
Wonderful workshops with the Oak Park community youth at the SFBFS. Their stories can be seen here:
4/4/13: Capitol Public Radio Interview
Here's a great interview with Marianne Russ on the "Insight" program talking about the Sacramento installations:
3/31/13: KCRA NBC TV Interview with Richard Sharp
The local NBC affiliate in Sacramento featured a 4 minute in-studio segment on the Values Project--asking what people think about it HERE.
3/28/13: Interview with Radio Disney KIID with Cassie
Wonderful 30 minute interview with Cassie from Radio Disney on how we engage kids of all ages in brainstorming values words!
2/21/13: Midtown Business Association and Aaron Zeff Commit to the Project
The Sacramento Midtown Business Association see the Values Project as a great way to enhance the image of their properties and businesses in this central district. They are contributing matching funds to businesses in Midtown who want to participate in the project. Aaron Zeff, owner of Priority Parking, has committed all of his mid and downtown lots for the project. Great News!
TedX Napa presentation on the Values Project

Recently I was asked to present the work we're doing connecting communities to their values as a TedX talk. It was a great honor and an opportunity to not only reach the 400 people in the audience, but the thousands of people viewing the TedX videos. You can see my talk HERE.
1/7/13: Winter Newsletter with Recent News
I just sent out the Winter Newsletter with recent news with updates about the project in Sacramento. If you haven't seen it it is HERE.
1/1/13: Great Press for the Sacramento Values Project
HERE is a great article on the Sacramento Values Project by Deb Belt of Inside Sacramento Magazine this month.
10/30/2012: Councilmember Kevin McCarty Backs the Sacramento Values Project
Councilmember Kevin McCarty is the latest city official that has stepped up for his constituents of district 6 by endorsing the Sacramento Values Project. We're already working with one, the Teichert branch of the Sacramento Boys & Girls Club on Lemon Hill. We hope to be working with many more community members soon!
10/18/12: Raley Boys & Girls Club Values Workshop

Todays workshop was fantastic! We had a spirited discussion and wrote some great stories about the values that we make part of our everyday life. Words the kids chose to both chalk in the lot and paint in the lot are : Integrity, Respect, Productivity, Compassion. Many thanks to Director David Guillory and Jamilah Barnes for helping make it happen!
9/18/12: Teichert Boys & Girls Club Values Workshop Today

We held a great values workshop today with the kids at the Boys & Girls Club today! We came up with many stories of values in action then chalked their favorite values words in the parking lot. We'll be painting those same words in the lot by years end. Words the kids chose are: Integrity, Compassion, Trust, Courage, Respect, Community, Learning, Tolerance, Gratitude, Responsibility, Commitment, and Patience. Thanks to all the kids and Exec. Director Maureen Price, Program Director Paul Curtis, Center Director Curtis Harrison and teacher Leif!
9/12/12: Sacramento Interfaith Council the latest Sacramento Values Project Endorser
We sat down with the membership of the Sacramento Interfaith Council to present the project to them, and the Council President Jon Fish has endorsed the project as worthy of implementing at faith based organizations throughout Sacramento.
9/10/12: Kennedy Center "Any Given Child" program backs the Sacramento Values Project
Our group workshops have been included on the roster that the Arts Commission will provide to representatives of Sacramento City Unified, Twin Rivers Unified and Robla School Districts. Values Workshops in schools "Arts exposure experiences," will be scheduled for November 2012 through June 2013. We worked closely with the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission for this honor and thank them for helping organize it!
9/5/2012: Councilmember Steve Cohn Endorses the Sacramento Values Project
Councilmember Steve Cohn was the first city official to back the Sacramento Values Project today. He outlined how the project can help the folks in District 3 and we'll be working to roll it out at as many locations as possible. We are in discussions now to hold community workshops at places like the Natomas library and Community center.
5/19/12: the Sacramento Boys & Girls Clubs join the Sacramento Values Project
Sacramento Boys & Girls Clubs Executive Director Maureen Price and Director of Operations Shawna Molina sat down with Peter Hassen to pencil out a plan to participate in the Sacramento Values Project this Fall. We'll be meeting with the "new class" to choose values words that resonate with them and painting them in Boys & Girls Clubs parking lot at both the downtown and the Lemon Hill Locations.
4/20/12: Sacramento Values Project Kick-Off with W.E.A.V.E.

The Values Project is starting to work in Sacramento and we have found our first non-profit partner. Executive Director Beth Hassett from W.E.A.V.E (Women Escaping A Violent Encounter) is shown here with volunteer Chris Ford and Peter Hassen. W.E.A.V.E. is an essential downtown resource for women and families, and we'll be meeting with them this summer to choose key values words to paint in their lot.
_1/14/12: Values Project featured at Sonoma Valley Museum of Art "Undiscovered" show
From January 14th to March 18th, 2012, images from the Values Project will be represented at a Sonoma County-wide group show. The 5 person show features documentary photographs and an overview of the Napa Values Project.
551 Broadway | Sonoma, CA 95476 phone: 707.939.7862
551 Broadway | Sonoma, CA 95476 phone: 707.939.7862
9/17/11: "Gratitude" opens at White Barn Studios
_Come out to White Barn Studio in Sonoma for the opening
reception and studio tour for "GRATITUDE", a new body of work based on
the Values Project. Paintings, drawings, prints and photographs will be on display amidst a stunning farm setting.
Wandering Rose Post
Student Services Coordinator at Napa Valley College and Values Project volunteer Omar Pena had this to say about the installation at NVC:
5/21/11: Napa Register Features the Values Project on Front Page
Napa County's leading daily newspaper wrote this great story:
5/18/11: Bohemian Newspaper Features The Values Project
Here is a great story on the Values Project by the Northbay's leading newsweekly:
5/17/11: Community Launch Celebration!
We officially launched the Values Project in Napa at the NVUSD Education Center. Kristina Young of the Arts Council Napa Valley Emceed with NVUSD Superintendent Patrick Sweeney and Napa County office of Education Superintendent Barbara Nemko both speaking. Delish cake and snacks to thank the community leaders and citizens of Napa for choosing to bring the Values Project to Napa.
5/17/11 The Values Project on Napa Radio

Popular call-in radio show host Kellie Fuller recently interviewed Values Project artist Peter Hassen about the project. Here is a clip of the interview. Stay tuned as Kellie has asked Peter to come back on the air to discuss the results of interviews with Napans about the project!
5/2/11 The Napa River Inn
4/30/11 Napa Valley Adult School Installation
Here's some footage shot April 30th at the Napa Valley Adult School by Robb McDonough. Many thanks to volunteers Louise, Jeff and Christa!
3/21/11 Napa Valley Language Academy Values Workshop
The NVLA Student Council wasn't sure what to expect, but when Assistant Principal Pam Perkins shared that the plan for the day was to discover the values that resonate with us all, they put on their thinking caps and went to work. It was wonderful to be part of a discussion that revolved around the fact that they are the leaders that their peers look to as an example of how to act and that this inspiration forms character. It was a lively discussion that culminated in them putting pen to paper to share their inspiration. Many thanks to Israel Valencia for these great photos of our future community leaders at work!
3/21/11 V.O.I.C.E.S. Presentation
Today we met with Director Ian Stanley and the staff and clients of the V.O.I.C.E.S. program. These folks are excited to bring the Values Project to their facility! Right at the beginning of the meeting, Ian challenged us all to think of and tell a story of someone in our lives who has inspired us and how they embody a specific value. That was a great way to get the creativity flowing as we dug deep to share meaningful moments that often helped form our characters. It was a thought provoking and sometimes emotional meeting! The entire V.O.I.C.E.S. program will be voting on what values words they will be painting.
3/10/11 Volunteer Sign-Up Flier Posted
Tell your friends that we are looking for volunteers to help install the project; it's fast and it's easy to help out!
3/1/11 Vintage High School Values Workshop
The Vintage High School Associated Student Board wrestled with their values today. We met with them to discuss the idea of values in a society and choose which values to paint in their student parking lots. Teacher Hannah Housley and the student leaders were taken with the theme of "How Values Matter: What is the Change you want to see?" Here are some of their story cards:
2/25/11 Harvest Middle School Values Workshop
We held a Values Workshop at Harvest Middle School in which the 8th grade Advisory Group of about 20 kids who got a chance to have a conversation about Values. Teacher Megan Burton facilitated the interactive workshop and we covered some great topics. As a part of the process the students were asked to think of and write a personal story that embodied the value that they most identified with; here are some examples below (some of which will make you cry). Values are a huge part of Principal Linda Inlay's purpose of "Social Emotional Learning" that helps create life mastery skills. The Values Project ties in perfectly!
2/15/11 Gasser Foundation Supports the Values Project
The Gasser Foundation, one of Napa's most important grantors, recently approved a grant to support the Values Project. Their funding will be used to help pay for the bilingual painting of sixteen core values at several public schools in the Napa Valley Unified School District, including Napa High and Vintage High.
The remainder of the funds will go towards a new in-school program that seeks to get students to identify with and "own" values that are important to them. This "Values Workshop" is scalable and will be introduced this spring to high school and middle school students.
Many thanks to the Gasser Foundation for singling out the Values Project as worthy of support!
The remainder of the funds will go towards a new in-school program that seeks to get students to identify with and "own" values that are important to them. This "Values Workshop" is scalable and will be introduced this spring to high school and middle school students.
Many thanks to the Gasser Foundation for singling out the Values Project as worthy of support!
2/1/11 Vintage High School Brings In the Values Project
Principal Craig Lewis of Vintage High School is excited to bring the Values Project to Vintage High School this spring. We will be installing 15 values words, in english and spanish, in and around the campus of the high school. We are also working with teachers and administrators to keep the values painted on the campus fresh and relevant to us all. Stay tuned for more details!
Napa Patch: 12/15/2010
12/14/10 Arts Council Napa Valley Sponsors the Values Project
It's official; the Arts Council has become the fiscal sponsor of the Values Project.. The ACNC saw the impact that the project is having throughout the Napa community and decided to help.
As a fiscal sponsor, the ACNV will facilitate tax-deductible donations to be made to the Values Project, so think about writing a check to the project today!
As a fiscal sponsor, the ACNV will facilitate tax-deductible donations to be made to the Values Project, so think about writing a check to the project today!